
My name is Vien-Joseph Billete, but you can call me V.J. for short.

I was born and raised from the beautiful Island of Oahu Hawaii since February 27 1988. I have always been into art since I could hold a pencil. Not many people know this, but I have been drawing shapes and figures when I was only 5-8 months old. My mom and dad would always give me different art books for me to look at, and try to color in the figures given.

I was always creative, because at the age of 2-3 years old I was already creating objects with legos. So as you can see already I have always been into creating, and using my imagination ever since my diaper days.

Now as a grown adult, and with many experiences, I found my passion from going to college for a nursing degree, to dropping out of the program and enrolling into a Graphic Design degree. Some people thought that its a bad idea, but more people said I chose the right path. Therefore I am still in college, however thats because I found what I really wanted to do a little later in my adult life. But that doesn’t stop me, because who said its too late? It’s never too late, as long you know you are in the right path.


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