VCDS 311 Animated Poster

Primary Research.



The reason why this works for me, is because it makes me think of motion, and and smoothness that has to happen with an animated gif. or poser.


My main focus for this project is to create an animated poster that will help someone get through their day. Having that mind set will enable me to make something that is either goal driven, or to achieve an accomplishment.

Now I have a lot ideas, however I wanted to make sure that the poser works to its full advantage. I am also kind of thinking of simplicity, but at the same time getting the movement or motion across to my audience. Therefore these are some motivating motion gif. that I found.

Who, What, Where.

The people that I am responsible to motivate are people in NYC, in the subway stations where they have posters. As people rush through NYC everyday, they also are able to pay attention to certain posters. Weather it is an add, or a showing that they might want to see. From doing some research on what people like to see or do in subways are very interesting. Some of these stories, I swear…you kind of have to think twice.

NYC subway on Yelp

With this information I was able to have a couple ideas on what I could possibly design. NYC people are people, and they are different and unique. So how should I make them feel throughout their day?

Inspirational Research.

The reason why I like these posters are the icons. Marilyn Monroe who was an iconic sex symbol was featured all over, and the fact that she was created as posters for men, gave me an idea that maybe something I should do is something kind of sexy. Superman, even though he doesn’t have a face is like saying that there is a hero in everyone, and that the possible image of people can be a super hero but we don’t have to wear capes to do it.

Sometimes my inspirational research is related, but not, I think that it’s a good way to show an interest in the project, and at the same time being creative and thinking outside the box, instead of in it. Therefore these kind of inspire my creativity to make something interesting.

These are collages, which are great visions and thought of how to make things work together that I would have never thought. This also is really inspiring for me, and maybe a potential style that I would like to try.



These sketches are my general ideas on the kinds of posters that I wouldn’t mind creating. However something drew my attention to my “Type Only.” idea. Not the fact that it would be simple, but the fact that Type can be animated in such a way that it can be an image itself. Therefore I was grabbing more towards type, and thinking of making something with that.

Preliminary Rough.

Billete_Poster Rough.jpg

So I know it doesn’t look much, however the saying is not just GO, but LET’S GO. You just cannot see “Let’s” because it becomes animated. This could be a problem because well, this may potentially be sold as a poster, therefore not having the full saying there or even something to give it purpose like a “period,” could possibly be interpreted very differently. Now I remembered the research that found about people on Yelp, and yup that could be a problem. So I had to fix it.

What gave me the idea for saying “Let’s Go.” Well, whenever I travel into the city with my friends, my friends always say “LET’S F***ING GO!” and we are hyped up because we like to go on adventures in the city. Now profanity is something I don’t think people would like to see in the subway, and the fact that I wanted my poster to be nice for all ages, and races, so “Let’s Go,” is a better choice of words.

Color. Why orange? well, I was thinking orange is reddish, and yellow at the same time. The fact that it’s also noticeable would be a great color to use. I’ve tried others, and either it was too dark or too bright. Red looked like it was Alarming, Yellow almost looked like a caution sign, blue looked too soft, and green, eh…to played out with the traffic light. So…Orange it is. But not just any orange, a strong one, not too bright, and not too dark, but just right.

The font choice was nice as well, because it’s bold enough to be seen, and at the same time give it a voice that tells you to GO. I tried various fonts however this font was a prototype font by adobe and it seemed to work. The name of the font is “Code Source Variable in Black as the weight.


For the final production as you can see I added a period, at the same time have Let’s be on the top left side of the G. The reason why I did it this way is because I wanted the word GO(Period) to be seen more. Because “Let’s” is shown first, it’s that feeling of togetherness, or grouping. The ball becomes the period, however the ball is gives the poster a happy go lucky feel as to “Get the ball going.” I also wanted to have the ball be a squishy ball because its a fun ball and not so stiff and up right, to also give it a relaxed felling. The GO shakes to give it that motivation shake that people need to have sometimes. Then with the ball jumping to bring it all together at the end, is to jump start your day as well as to get going. Therefore “Let’s Go.” and I think people in NYC will look at it and say let’s go at the same time, which means it works for me.


My overall take away from doing my animated poster was that I feel I accomplished to give my audience something to do, and give them an action or motion. However maybe I could make the “Let’s,” feel more a part of the poster for the next time as I kind of left it out. I have to remember that all the elements are important, and that I should be able to include all them to make a solid project. Therefore this is my Animated Poster and Let’s Go.



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